ackage Included
- 1 x 74HC595 8 bits Shift Register Breakout CJMCU-595
- The 74HC595 contains an 8-bit serial-in, a parallel-out shift register that provides data to an 8-bit D-type memory register.
- The 74HC595's memory registers have three-state outputs.
- The shift register and the memory register have separate clocks. 74HC595 shift register with the highest priority direct clear side (SRCLR), A serial input (SER), and a serial output for cascading.
- When the output enables Is high, the output of the 74HC595 will be in a high-impedance state.
- Both the shift register clock (SRCLK) and the store register clock (RCLK) are edge-triggered. If the two clocks are tied together, the shift register will stay one clock pulse ahead of the storage register.
Product Introduction:
1.Operating Voltage Range:2-6V
2.Low Input Current:1.0uA
Standard: $5.99
Rural: $8.99
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