Package Included
- 1pcs x ATtiny88 Development Board - ATtiny
- Support for the Arduino IDE 1.0+ and upwards (OSX/Win/Linux)
- Power via USB or External Source: 5v or 7-35v (12v or less recommended, automatic selection)
- On-board 50mA 5V Regulator
- Built-in USB
- 26 I/O Pins (2 are used for USB only if your program actively communicates over USB, otherwise you can use all 6 even if you are programming via USB)
- 8K Flash Memory (about 6K is available after boot-loader)
- I2C and SPI
- 26 PWM (26 pins with Software PWM, only two(D9,10) with hardware PWM)
- ADC on 8 pins
- Power LED and Test/Status LED
- Dimensions: 44.8 x 18.5 x 4.2mm
Tutorials & Reference
Standard: $5.99
Rural: $8.99
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